only problem which annoys me with diabetes is that every year since I
started secondary school I kept getting sick bugs but I think you
body’s immunity to viruses are much weaker, that’s why emphasise keep
your sugar levels as good as possible there will probably are teenagers
out there reading this saying he doesn’t know what he’s on about all I
say is don’t take the risk. Currently this year in 2007 my surfing has
took a turn for the worse I haven’t been surfing due to stress of gcse
exams and my final year of school and I had a very scary experience
and one I have learnt most from back in May where I was surfing for a
couple of hours as I was walking up from the beach I saw my friend
walking down for a surf he said are you coming which this was biggest
mistake I made all year I went in really excited and took a hypo fit
before I went back in again 45 minutes late I didn’t know where the
hell I was I was so scared and shocked I took my hypo fits got out of
the way and sat down, walking up the hill again I saw these two guys
working I said can you help me im diabetic and im going to pass out this is the biggest knock back I’ve ever had im still surfing bit by
bit I refuse to give up im class my self as a robust person im
currently getting my confidence back with diabetes and surfing.
I can say to other people is try to look at the positive sides of
diabetes like not being able to drink much eating normally and drugs
which are the main problems people are having today. So this makes us
healthy in the future.
I have also travelled
extensively all with Trish my diabetes nurse helping me with travel
plans, and so far I have been to Hawaii, Hong Kong, and last year we
did a road trip in the states from Chicago to LA crossing time zones
and encountering snow and heatwaves. And without too much hassle .
All the best