that magical time of year when some lucky people are planning a trip to
the mountains, so here is some advice on how to manage diabetes during
the trip.We have some amazing content from a young English woman who
went to the Turin 2006 games to enter the Super G! The first thing to
do before you go is to check with your doctor whether you have and
damage to the nerve to your feet (peripheral neuropathy) of reduced
circulation to the feet. If you have neuropathy, the bane of skiers’
lives, ill-fitting and uncomfortable boots can lead to unrecognised
foot damage and foot ulceration. If you have neuropathy, you can still
ski, but have to be very careful about your foot care and footwear, and
stop skiing if you develop any sore patches on your feet. Get properly
fitted boots, and don’t hire. If the circulation to your feet is
reduced, you will need to have a specific consultation with your
doctor, to be sure that you are not at risk of loss of blood supply to
the foot an frostbite or other damage
Elizabeth M, Para-olympian
who went to the Winter Paralympics in Turin in 2006, developed type1
diabetes at the age of 8 but unfortunately she had to have a left below
knee amputation in 1997 due to a compartment syndrome in relation to a
She has the following major problems:
of all, she finds it impossible to work out what is happening to her
blood sugars, and she finds that her blood sugars rise erratically with
her short Slalom Super G races, but falls quickly during her aerobic
training. She is worried about her weight and she also finds it
difficulty to control her blood sugar at altitude when in Winterpark
(which is over 9000 feet).
summer training here in England is that she does at least 45 minutes of
aerobic exercise 5 days per week. During these periods she notices
that her blood sugar falls fairly steadily, although she does not
suffer from hypoglycaemia. In her winter training she wakes typically
at 6 o’clock in the morning and following breakfast she does 10 minutes
of cycling, followed by 10 minutes of balance exercises to warm up. She then goes out to do 2 brief training runs taking approximately 2
minutes each, followed by 2-2½ hours of gate work. This consists of
runs of 2 minutes, followed then by 10 minutes standing around or
waiting in chairs. In the afternoons, they do 2 hours of general ski
training which may be followed by weights. She notices that her blood
sugars rise during the sprint training and while doing weights in the
gym but otherwise falls. She also notices that her blood sugar rises
whilst at altitude and she finds that she has to increase her Glargine
dose from 26 units to 40 plus units to maintain normal glycaemia.
is not troubled by hypoglycaemia. She is not counting her
carbohydrates and although she does adjust her insulin dose for
carbohydrate content, it does not seem to be in a very organised
fashion.My thoughts on her case are that she will need to regularise
her carbohydrate intake and try not to take extra carbohydrates on
training days, and the carbohydrate contents should be roughly the same
at each meal and supported by appropriate bolus insulin.During training
and events days, she will need to check her blood sugars before and
after each event. If she finds that her blood sugar is rising during
events, she may need to take a small dose perhaps 1-2 units of quick
acting insulin before the event. On more prolonged training such as her
running. She will need to check her glucose before, during and
following, and if she notices that her blood sugars fall, to take
approximately 30 grams of glucose in the form of Dextrosol tablets,
Jelly Babies, Lucozade or a prepared drink in 10 mg portions, evenly
spaced at approximately every 10-15 minutes. This should stop
excessive fall in glucose during the event.
She will be going to Winterpark to help her in her preparation for the Olympic Games where I hope that she will do very well.
Skiing for the Rest of Us!
not quite as energetic for most people as they imagine, and all that is
required usually is a reduction in daytime insulin dose by 10-20%, and
to have some glucose with you. However, there is some exception where
energy use is a bit higher. Snowboarders learning spend a lot of time
falling and getting up, and they may use a lot of energy. Ski safaris
with long days skiing and quite a bit of uphill work also can use a lot
of energy. In this situation, the daytime insulin doses will need to
reduce further (perhaps by 50%).
Cross-Country Skiing
a different matter altogether. It can be one of the most energetic
exercises, and daytime insulin doses have to be reduced substantially,
and regular glucose or carbohydrate snacks taken throughout the day.
be aware of the effects of alcohol après-ski, and the risks of
nighttime hypoglycaemia. Go easy on the booze; a bad hypo will spoil
your expensive trip!
If there are any competitive skiers with diabetes, we would really love to hear from you!
By Chris Priest
have been diabetic for 8 years now, having been diagnosed at the age of
12. I control my diabetes using a routine of four injections each day,
three short acting injections of Humalog and a final longer acting one
of Humulin I prior to bed. This routine for me seems to work well and
has resulted in me being able to control my sugar levels and diabetes
as a whole. I first went skiing at the age of 14 and as such have never
encountered the sport without the worry of diabetes, however I have
been several times since and have never experienced any serious
There are issues to be concerned about when skiing and
being diabetic however: ensuring that your feet are in good condition
and always having a supply of glucose on you as the last thing you want
to happen is for a hypo to come on when you are at the top of a
mountain!! I personally found that reducing my dosage of insulin by
roughly 20% on each of the four injections enabled me to have enough
energy to ski without incident for the majority of the day, however i
never went onto the slopes without a couple of chocolate bars in my
pocket should anything happen.
I am not fortunate enough to
own my own pair of ski boots either and as such have always hired from
shops at the resort. This may not be an ideal situation, and no ski
boot is ever going to be comfortable, but I have always found them to
be fine.
The most important thing to do is to make sure that
whoever you are skiing with knows that you are diabetic and knows
exactly what to do should something happen to you whilst on the slopes.
Dont feel that you can't tell anyone as people really would rather know
and if you need to stop and have a chocolate bar half way down a piste
then just do it, there is absolutely no need to push yourself.